Friday, September 16, 2011

Day of Rage

Speaking of Our Great Leader Obama,I see that he has been busy stealing promoting his taxpayer money American Jobs Act by campaigning appealing for support directly to the people, all of whom just happen to live in key reelection battle states. On Tuesday he flew to Columbus, OH to try and convince a bunch of high school students what a great bill it is and spoke for a grand total of 17 minutes. On Wednesday he flew to Raleigh, NC and at least talked to eligible voters, although he limited his remarks to students at North Carolina State University to 21 minutes.Next Thursday he is going to Cincinnati to promote the rebuilding of a functionally obsolescent bridge that, due to the required engineering and planning lead times, will not be able to even begin construction until at least 2014. 

We are paying attention and Americans are beginning to rise up against the Kleptocracy. This weekend may be the beginning of anti government demonstrations not affiliated with the Tea Party. The Day of Rage could be the spark that ignites the public rage that has become much more personal as stagflation harvests what little remaining disposable income we have left. This video has been around for a while but I notice that it is coming up on 10 million hits, so if you can't get out be seen, at least join them in spirit.      

Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, from Greek: κλέπτης (thief) and κράτος (rule), is a term applied to a government subject to control fraud that takes advantage of governmental corruption to extend the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats), via the embezzlement of state funds at the expense of the wider population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service. The term means "rule by thieves". Not an official form of government such as a democracy, republic, monarchy, or theocracy; a kleptocracy is rather a pejorative for a government perceived to have a particularly severe and systemic problem with the selfish misappropriation of public funds by those in power.

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