Sunday, August 21, 2011


Welcome to the Darknet of Light blog. 

The purpose of this blog is to provide value to my readers by aggregating news and information worthy of the limited time that they can share. In this era of instant communication and rapid technological evolution it is critical to look beyond the veneer provided by lamestream media and examine agendas and motivations.

Here is an initial list of the subjects that I am planning to cover:

  • The New World Order- Kleptocracy
  • The Projection of Power and the Military Industrial Complex
  • The Energy Cabal
  • The Media
  • Domestic and International Financial Markets
  • The Political Stage and Arena
  • Geopolitical Events
  • Agribusiness and the Codex Alimentarius
  • Entertainment
  • Sports
 As noted, most content will be aggregated and all the creators will be attributed to the best of my ability. In case I fail you can also review my list of linked sites for more comprehensive information. I appreciate your support, look forward to your comments. I am not currently considering adding any ads or other pay wall mechanisms but as this is my only source of income your donations will be most welcome indeed.

Cheerio and now on with the show.......

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